PO Box 41312 Baton Rouge, LA 70835 info@unlockingautism.org

Knock Knock

The video from our relaunch zoom conference is processing and will be loaded to the website shortly for those who were not able to get on the call.

After 25 years, the door finally opened! WELCOME!

If you have visited our website in the past, you will notice it seems fairly simple right now. That is by design.  We wanted there to be no confusion with our new mission and vision. With all the information on autism and related issues, we decided to simplify the message to help people focus on one step at a time. Unlocking Autism is also planning on launching an online community where we can easily communicate and interact in real-time.  Make sure you join the newsletter to stay up-to-date.

Take a look around

  1. Learn why we exist, who we are and where we’re laser focused.
  2. Learn about the #1 biomarker present at birth in children who later
    develop ASD – and why we partnered with MaxOne to help our families
    in five countries: USA, Canada, UK, Australia & New Zealand to start!
  3. Sign up for our Newsletter.
  4. Make a donationUA now receives 100% of your tax deductible donation.
  5. Help us raise up the Next Generation, working in love and kindness to share
    all the amazing things we have learned as a community over the past 25 years

We are so glad you have come back to visit!

Expanding our reach: