PO Box 41312 Baton Rouge, LA 70835 info@unlockingautism.org

Policy Initiatives

Blind justice sounds good, but when so few have eyes open to see the issues present in the autism community preventing true justice from manifesting – it’s  a problem. Systems exist to address these problems, but our individuals with ASD, and their families, keep falling through the cracks while all of the systems designed to serve them make money and provide jobs.

For over two decades, Unlocking Autism has worked on policy development and implementation designed to help our families improve their quality of life.  In listening to the stories of both our ASD families and government officials, we are focusing on areas discussed in the shadows, primarily in times of crisis, whether individual or corporate – and then forgotten.

We don’t forget. We remember all your stories. We make sure that those in power remember them, too.

Whether a community wide crisis or a crisis for a single family, our stories deserve to be truly heard then losses rectified and compensated.

We are looking for state leaders who are willing to grow grassroots networks in these four specific areas:

If you are interested, please send us an email below, indicating your area(s) of interest. We will be in touch with you soon.